Sale!Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。 EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== // 3:09:39 2058 P2 CD LDA Acupressure J324 3:09:39 2058 P2 CD LDA Acupressure J324 has 4 episodes: 0:48:48 2058 P2 CD EP1 CD LDA Acupressure J324 0:47:05 2058 P2 CD EP2 CD LDA Acupressure J324 1:12:24 2058 P2 CD EP3 CD LDA Acupressure J324 0:47:12 2058 P2 CD EP4 CD LDA Acupressure J324 2058 P2 ATAC LDA Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Anti Bacterial Anti Fungal Anti Viral Lymphatic Detoxification Acupressure J324 Part 2 AME LDEM MLDrA GEIMA Anterior Trunk Arms Hands Breasts Pelvis Vulva Aroma Meditation Effleurage Lymph Detoxification Energizing Massage Manual Lymph Drainage Acupressure Genital External Internal Meditation Episode 1 AME LDEM DTVLDM MLDrA Anterior Trunk Arms Genitalia Episode 2 Manual Lymph Drainage Acupressure Anterior Trunk Left Right Centre Episode 3 Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Manual Lymph Drainage Acupressure Chest Breasts Episode 4 Aroma Meditation Effleurage Pelvis Groins Genitalia Mons pubis Perineum Thigh Open Genital External Internal Meditation Groins Thighs Vagina Clitoris G-Spot ========== Adults and PG12+ with parent guidance
Sale!Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。 EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== // 1:22:20 4042 PEM Massage F529 Posterior Part 2 MtoF Trunk Hip Buttock Thighs Genitalia 4042 ATAC PEM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Partner Energizing Massage F529 Posterior Trunk Part 2 MtoF LDEA LDrA Trunk Hip Buttock Thighs Genitalia Female Nude Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Hip Buttock Thighs Genitalia Lymph Drainage Acupressure Hip Buttock Thighs Genitalia ==========
Sale!Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。 EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== // 1:18:00 4074 PSMM Meditation F614 4074 ATAC PSMM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Partner Simultaneous Mutual Meditation F614C4 SREE LDEA LDOEA GEM MEM S01 MtoF FtoM SREE Anterior Trunk Stress Relieving Energizing Effleurage S02 MtoF FtoM LDEA Chest Breasts Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure S03 MtoF FtoM LDOEA Trunk Genitalia Lymph Detoxification Orgasmic Energizing Acupressure S04 MtoF FtoM GEM MEM Genital External Meditation Mutual External Meditation S05 Female Yin Top Male Yin; Female Yang Top Male Yin; Male Yin Top Female Yin MEM Is massaging not allowed during female period (menstrual cycle)? What can you massage/exercise if the female partner is having a period? Our experiments show massaging cautiously on many parts of the body may benefit relief from PMS and make both of you energized and relaxing. In the study of massage during period, both partners are suggested to massage each other in proper ways which should not do some procedures. Here are some suggested notes -
- Avoid massage with sharp and strong force on San-Yin-Jiao.
- Do not stimulate ovaries and uterus with high pressure.
- Avoid touching external vagina without using anti microbial cream/lotion/serum/spray.
- Avoid touching internal vagina if it is not a necessary need.
- Use of external anti inflammatory product (such as G10 AI Cream) around vagina, pelvis and breasts may help with relief from menstrual pain and other symptoms due to inflammation.
- MtoF sexual organ meditation massage could be an excellent alternative to sexual intercourse during period. Some females really enjoy having orgasms and have higher sexual desire before and during period.
- FtoM sexual organ meditation massage can replace unpleasant sexual intercourse during severe bleeding.
Sale!Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。 EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== // A 60-240 minutes healthy mutual exercise for couples - Partner Mutual Meditation Acupressure without organ insertion or ejaculation Lymph Drainage Energizing Acupressure for prevention from body water retention Mutual External Genital Meditation with multiple orgasms & Cowper's gland secretion 4:02:00 4092 P1 PEM Meditation F722 4092 P1 PEM Partner Energizing Meditation F722 Part 1 Length: 4:02:00 in 4 stages, 1:04:39 4092 P1 EP1 PEM Partner Energizing Meditation F722 Part 1 Stage 1 0:57:00 4092 P1 EP2 PEM Partner Energizing Meditation F722 Part 1 Stage 2 1:00:00 4092 P1 S3 PEM Partner Energizing Meditation F722 Part 1 Stage 3 1:18:00 4092 P1 EP4 PEM Partner Energizing Meditation F722 Part 1 Stage 4 MtoF Yin-Yin Lying FtoM Yin-Yin Lying Male MtoF Yin-Yin Kneeling AME LNEA LDrA PMEM P52 Rose G3 LDMC Healing Relaxing Aroma Meditation Effleurage Trunk Groins Thighs G7 AIR Cream Lymph Nodes Enhancement Acupressure Chest Nodes Abdomen Genitalia G3/P60 AI LDMO Oil Nourishing Lymph Drainage Acupressure Trunk Groins Genitalia Legs ========== Jan 19, 2020. For adults and 12+ with parent guidance
4092P1S2 E2 Sec2 PEM Meditation Trailer 16 AML
Adults enter password “adult” ========== -
Sale!Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。 EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== // 1:04:39 4092 P1 EP1 PEM Massage F722 Purposes Prevention of water retention, auto immune disorders and frigidity Anti microbial, protecting, firming, healing, whitening, deodorizing on genitalia Stress Relieving, relaxing, anti anxiety Increasing circulation Releasing bad heat and anxiety Balancing BEMF, Body Electromagnetic Fields 4092 P1 EP1 PEM Massage F722 MtoF Yin-Yang; FtoM Yin-Yang; Mutual Yin-Yin Female Nude MtoF Male Yin Female Lateral; FtoM Female Yin Male Lateral Male Nude MtoF Yin-Yin Male Kneeling Female Lying Penis on Vagina AME LDEA MEM Aroma Meditation Effleurage Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Mutual External Meditation Section 1 Male Yin Female Yang Head-Head Lateral Lying Male-to-Female G3 AI LDMC Aroma Meditation Effleurage Anterior Breasts Abdomen Thighs Buttock Vulva Section 2 Female Yin Male Yang Head-Head Lateral Lying Female-to-Male G3 AI LDMC Aroma Meditation Effleurage Anterior Breasts Abdomen Thighs Buttock Penis Section 3 Yin-Yin Head-Head Lateral Lying Male-to-Female Female-to-Male Female Nude G3 AI Mutual Aroma Meditation Effleurage Posterior Back Buttock Bladder Channel Du-Mai Female Easy Lying Male Yin Female Lateral Male-to-Female Female Nude Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Anterior Breasts Chest Abdomen Vagina Ren-Mai Section 4 Yin-Yin Head-Head Lateral Lying Male-to-Female Female-to-Male Female Nude G3 AI LDMC Aroma Meditation Effleurage Posterior Back Buttock Bladder Channel Du-Mai Male Easy Lying Female Yin Male Lateral Female-to-Male Both Nude Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Anterior Chest Abdomen Penis Perineum Ren-Mai Section 5 Male Kneeling Female Lying Mutual External Meditation Chest Abdomen Penis on Vagina Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Chest Heart Abdomen Liver Ren-Mai 6 Yin Channels ==========
Sale!Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。 EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== // 0:57:05 4092 P1 S2 PEM Meditation F722 4092 P1 S2 ATAC PEM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Partner Energizing Meditation F722 Part 1 Stage 2 Episode 1 MtoF LDEA MEM LDrA VLDEA BEM GMEM FtoM LDrA Episode 2 MtoF BEM GMEM LDrA GEM AME Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Mutual External Meditation Lymph Drainage Acupressure Visceral Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Body Energizing Meditation Genital Mutual External Meditation Genital External Meditation Aroma Meditation Effleurage 0:57:05 4092 P1 S2 has 2 episodes: 0:22:59 Episode 1 MtoF LDEA MEM LDrA VLDEA BEM GMEM FtoM LDrA Section 1 Transition Female-to-Male into Male-to-Female Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Male Kneeling Female Lying Mutual External Meditation Chest Abdomen Penis on Vagina Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Chest Heart Abdomen Liver Ren-Mai 6 Yin Channels Section 2 Yin-Yin Female Easy Lying Male Sitting on Thighs Mutual External Meditation Penis on Vagina Lymph Drainage Acupressure Chest Thoracic Duct Thymus Chest Nodes Abdomen Cisterna Chyli Ren-Mai Visceral Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Colons Pancreas Uterus Ovaries Bladder Mons pubis Lateral Lymph Drainage Acupressure Side of Hip Waist Colons Kidney Spleen Liver Lungs Dan-Tian Section 3 MonF Yin-Yin Female Lying Body Energizing Meditation Genital Mutual External Meditation Female-to-Male Lymph Drainage Acupressure Posterior Trunk Gall Bladder Channel Bladder Channel Du-Mai 0:39:07 Episode 2 MtoF BEM GMEM LDrA GEM AME Section 1 FonM Yin-Yin Male Lying Body Energizing Meditation Genital Mutual External Meditation Male-to-Female Lymph Drainage Acupressure Posterior Trunk Buttock Gall Bladder Channel Bladder Channel Section 2 FonM Male-Yin Female-Yang Easy Lying Body Energizing Meditation Penis to Female Buttock Male-to-Female Lymph Drainage Acupressure Genital External Meditation Anterior Upper Trunk Breasts Male-to-Female Lymph Drainage Acupressure Genital External Meditation Anterior Abdomen Vagina Groins Section 3 Male Standing Female Lying Stretch P52 Rose Oil Aroma Meditation Effleurage Abdomen Vulva Lymph Drainage Acupressure Abdomen Mons pubis Superior Superficial Inguinal Nodes Parametrial Nodes G1 LDHS Serum Healing Whitening Firming Genital External Meditation Mons pubis Vulva Perineum ========== Jan 19, 2020. For adults and 12+ with parent guidance
4092P1S2 E2 Sec2 PEM Meditation Trailer 16 AML
Adults enter password “adult” ========== -
Sale!Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。 EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== // 0:57:00 4092 P1 S3 PEM Meditation F722 4092 P1S3 ATAC PEM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Pertner Energizing Meditation F722 Part 1 Stage 3 Male Standing Female Half Lying Stretch LDrA Abdomen Femoral Triangle Mons pubis Vulva Male Standing Female Half Lying GIM Vulva Clitoris Vaginal Walls Cervix G-spot Bartholin Gland Male Standing Female Half Lying Stretch MEM Penis to Groins Perineum Vulva Clitoris Mons pubis Male Sitting Female Half Lying Stretch LDrA MEM Groins Uterus Mons pubis Vulva Perineum Anus
Sale!Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。 EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== // 1:18:00 4092 P1 S4 PEM Meditation F722 4092 P1 S4 ATAC PEM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Pertner Energizing Meditation F722 Part 1 Stage 4 0:22:33 (0:04:07 theory and 18m26s workshop) 4092 P1 S4 EP1 0:21:46 (0:04:07 theory and 17m39s workshop) 4092 P1 S4 EP2 0:22:17 (0:04:07 theory and 18m08s workshop) 4092 P1 S4 EP3 0:18:32 (0:04:07 theory and 14m07s workshop) 4092 P1 S4 EP4 4092 P1 S4 EP1 G1AI LDHS Serum Healing Relaxing Aroma Meditation Effleurage Mons pubis Vulva Vagina GEM Genital External Meditation Mons pubis Clitoris Labia minora Labia majora Perineum Frenulum GIM Genital Internal Meditation Left Vaginal Walls Bartholin’s Gland Vestibule G-Spot Skene’s Gland GIM Genital Internal Meditation Right Vaginal Walls Bartholin’s Gland Vestibule G-Spot Skene’s Gland 4092 P1 S4 EP2 GEM Genital External Meditation Mons pubis Clitoris Labia minora Labia majora Perineum Frenulum Orgasmic Lymph Drainage Acupressure Vulva Prepuce & Glans of Clitoris Clitoris Vestibule of Vagina G7 AIR AAA Cream Protecting Healing Skene’s Duct Glans of Clitoris Labia minora Labia majora Lymph Drainage Acupressure Upwards Vulva Groins Mons pubis Frenulum Prepuce Glans of Clitoris Lymph Nodes Enhancement Acupressure Deep Inguinal Nodes Parametrial Nodes Cloquet’s Nodes Close-up visual Inspection Odor check before oral meditation (Oral meditation is not shown) 4092 P1 S4 EP3 Male Sitting Female Half Lying Stretch LDrA Abdomen Groins Uterus Mons pubis GEM Genital External Meditation Mons pubis Clitoris Labia minora Labia majora Perineum Male Standing Female Half Lying Stretch G1 LDHS GEM Penis MtoF AME Effleurage Vulva Male Standing Female Thigh-Up Stretch LDrA Groins Thighs Inferior Superficial Inguinal Nodes Male Standing Thigh Stretch Female Half Lying GEM Penis on Female Thighs Groins Vulva LDVA Lymph Drainage Visceral Acupressure Ren-Mai 6 Yin Channels Vulva Bladder Uterus Ovaries Colons S. Intestines Cisterna Chyli Inguinal Nodes Iliac Nodes 4092 P1 S4 EP4 Male Sitting Right Thigh Vertical Stretch Female Half Lying Stretch OLDA Orgasmic Lymph Drainage Acupressure Groins Uterus Mons pubis partial secretion release Male Sitting Left Thigh Vertical Stretch Female Half Lying Stretch OLDA Orgasmic Lymph Drainage Acupressure Abdomen Groins Uterus Ovaries Mons pubis Ending of 4092 P1 Anterior. Preparation 4092 P2 Posterior Child Pose Stretch LDA PMM ==========
Sale!Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。 EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== // July 29, 2019 for adults and 12+ with parent guidance
4092P2 E1 S1 PSMM Meditation Trailer 31b AML
========== 2:10:30 4092 P2 PSMM Meditation F722 4092 P2 ATAC PSMM Anti tumors Anti Cysts Partner Simultaneous Mutual Meditation F722 Male to Female AME GEIM LDrA LNVM Posterior Cat Pose Thigh Stretching Lying Pose Female Nude Aroma meditation Effleurage Genital External Internal Meditation Lymph Drainage Acupressure Lymph Nodes Vessels Massage Episode 1 Cat Pose Left Thigh-Up Lying Pose Posterior Male to Female AME GEIM LDrA LNVM Episode 2 Left Thigh-Up Left Thigh-Open Right Thigh-Up Posterior Male to Female AME GEIM LDrA LNVM ========== Jan 19, 2020. For adults and 12+ with parent guidance4092P1S2 E2 Sec2 PEM Meditation Trailer 16 AML
Adults enter password “adult” ========== -
Sale!Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。 EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== // 1:57:35 4092 P3 PEM Meditation F722 4092 P3 ATAC PEM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Partner Energizing Meditation F722 Posterior Anterior Trunk Pelvis LDEM GEM GMEM AME BMM LDrA ABOM OrVOM Lymph Detoxification Energizing Massage Genital External Meditation Genital Mutual External Meditation Aroma Meditation Effleurage Body Mutual Meditation Lymph Drainage Acupressure Arousing Breasts Oral Meditation Orgasmic Vaginal Oral Meditation A 60-120 minutes healthy mutual exercise for couples - Partner Mutual Meditation Acupressure without organ insertion or ejaculation Lymph Drainage Energizing Acupressure for prevention from body water retention Mutual External Genital Meditation with multiple orgasms & Cowper's gland secretion 4092 P3 ATAC PEM Meditation has 2 episodes: 1:01:04 4092 P3 EP1 ATAC PEM Meditation F722 4092 P3 EP1 ATAC PEM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Partner Energizing Meditation F722 Posterior Anterior Trunk Pelvis Episode 1 LDEM GMEM AME BMM LDrA Lymph Detoxification Energizing Massage Genital External Meditation Genital Mutual External Meditation Aroma Meditation Effleurage Body Mutual Meditation Lymph Drainage Acupressure 1:00:31 4092 P3 EP2 ATAC PEM Meditation F722 4092 P3 EP2 ATAC PEM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Partner Energizing Meditation F722 Posterior Anterior Trunk Pelvis LDEM GEM GMEM AME BMM LDrA ABOM OrVOM Lymph Detoxification Energizing Massage Genital External Meditation Genital Mutual External Meditation Aroma Meditation Effleurage Body Mutual Meditation Lymph Drainage Acupressure Arousing Breasts Oral Meditation Orgasmic Vaginal Oral Meditation Section 1 Female Easy Lying Male Half Kneeling Full Kneeling LDrA GMEM GEM Section 2 Female Easy Lying Male Standing LDM LDrA OrVOM DBOM Section 3 Female Easy Lying Male Standing LDEM ABOM LDrA Section 4 Female Easy Lying Male Standing ABOM OrVOM ==========
Sale!Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。 EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== // 1:33:00 4092 P4 PEM Meditation F722 With남근마사지 陰茎マッサージ Penis Massage 유방 마사지 乳房マッサージ Breast Massage 4092 P4 ATAC PEM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Partner Energizing Meditation F722 FtoM Anterior PSMM Partner Simultaneous Mutual Meditation AME LDEM LDrA GEM OrGEM MEM SMM Episode 1 FtoM AME LDEM LDrA GEM DTVDrA Anterior Trunk Lower Extremity P52 AI Rose Oil Nourishing Relaxing P68 AI Rose Serum Calming Emulsifying Aroma Meditation Effleurage Anterior Trunk Groins Thighs Penis Scrotum Lymph Detoxification Energizing Massage Trunk Groins Thighs Lymph Drainage Acupressure Anterior Trunk Groins Thighs Penis Scrotum Genital External Meditation Penis Massage Pressing Rubbing Pinching Scraping Episode 2 FtoM AME LDEM OrGEM MEM SMM Aroma Meditation Effleurage Anterior Trunk Groins Thighs Penis Scrotum Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Femoral Triangle Genitalia Orgasmic Genital External Meditation Penis Massage Thrusting Pressing Mutual External Medittaion MtoF Breasts Massage FtoM Penis Massage Simultaneous Mutual Meditation Breasts to Penis Massage ========== Aug 29, 2020. Adults only.
4092 P4 EP2 S2CD PEM Massage F722 Trailer 2 AT
4092 P4 EP2 S5BC PEM Massage F722 Trailer 5 AT
Adults enter password “adult” ========== Jan 18, 2020. For adults and 12+ with parent guidance Adults enter password “adult”4092P4 EP2 S1 PEM Meditation Trailer 2 AML
========== FIN -
Sale!Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。 EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== // 1:12:00 4093 AB P1 PSM Meditation F720 4093 AB P1 PSM Partner Stretch Meditation F720AB Part 1 MtoF Front A 60-90 minutes healthy exercise for couples - Mutual Meditation Orgasmic Acupressure without organ insertion!! Lymph Drainage Energizing Acupressure Mutual External Genital Meditation with multiple orgasms & Cowper's gland secretion ==========