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Sale!AR18 Video VidND – No download videos. Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Silver or Diamond or Platinum membership is required Renewing of membership is required if membership has expired. Video Format: MP4, HD-720p video in Dropbox link. For new customers, video links will be sent within 10 days. For existing customers who already have links, purchased videos will be added in your folder in 2-10 days. Password will be updated every 2-4 months ========== 15m31s 1008 EP1 YSDM Massage F210 Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage 바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩 1008 EP1 ATAC YSDM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Anti Bacterial Anti Fungal Anti Viral Yoga Stretching Detoxification Massage F210 Part 1 Stage 4 Episode 1 Thigh Upward Forward Thigh Abdomen Stretch Lymph Drainage Stretch Energizing Acupressure Thoracic Stretch Genital Mutual Meditation ==========
Sale!Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。 EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== // 0:33:22 1008 YSDM Massage F210 Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage 바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩 1008 ATAC YSDM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Anti Bacterial Anti Fungal Anti Viral Yoga Stretching Detoxification Massage F210 Part 1 Stage 4 ==========
Sale!Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。 EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== // 0:38:00 1005 YSDM Massage F210 Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage 바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩 1005 ATAC YSDM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Anti Bacterial Anti Fungal Anti Viral Yoga Stretching Detoxification Massage F210 Part 1 RTSt SRSt RFCSt RFOSt LDES FSSh Posterior Trunk Abdomen Buttock Legs Du-Mai Perineum Reverse Thoracic Stretch Shoulder Reverse Stretch Reverse Forward Cross Stretch Reverse Forward Open Stretch Lymph Detoxification Energizing Shiatsu Foot Stepping Shiatsu Section 1 Easy Lying Facing Down RTSt Reverse Thoracic Stretch Chest Lungs Heart Stomach Liver Abdomen Section 2 Shoulder Reverse Stretch SRSt LDES Lymph Detoxification Energizing Shiatsu Upper Back Bladder Channel Du-Mai Section 3 RFCSt RFOSt FSSh Reverse Forward Cross Stretch Reverse Forward Open Stretch Leg Upwards Abdominal Stretch Foot Stepping Shiatsu Buttock Du-Mai Perineum Section 4 Calf Forward Thigh Reverse Open Stretch LDES Left Leg Lymph Detoxification Energizing Shiatsu Left Thigh Calf 3 Yin 3 Yang Channels Section 5 Calf Forward Thigh Reverse Open Stretch LDES Right Leg Lymph Detoxification Energizing Shiatsu Right Thigh Calf 3 Yin 3 Yang Channels ========== May 5, 2020.
1005 S2 SMSM Massage Trailer 4
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Sale!Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。 EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== // Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage 바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩 0:43:01 1101 P1 YSDM Acupressure G706 1101 P1 ATAC YSDM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Anti Bacterial Anti Fungal Anti Viral Yoga Stretching Detoxification Massage G706 Part 1 Section 01 P60 AI Healing Lymph Vessels Nodes Acupressure Right Thigh 3 Yin Channels 3 Yang Channels Section 02 Lymph Drainage Stretch Acupressure Pulling Downwards Right Side Perineum Femoral Triangle Thigh 6 Channels Section 03 Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pushing Patting Upwards Right Calf Thigh Groin Perineum 6 Channels Section 04 Lymph Drainage Stretch Acupressure Pulling Downwards Left Side Perineum Femoral Triangle Thigh 6 Channels Section 05 Short-Stroke Lymph Drainage Acupressure Downwards 2-Hand Pulling Fists Rubbing Thigh 6 Channels Section 06 Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pushing Patting Upwards Left Calf Thigh Groin Perineum 6 Channels ========== July 17, 2020. Adults only.
1101 P1 S1CD YSDM Massage Trailer 2 PDSB
https://www.dropbox.com/s/1avbcuxvbdcyqyq/1101%20P1%20S1CD%20YSDM%20Massage%20Trailer%202%20PDSB.mp4?dl=0 Adults enter password “adult” ========== July 10, 2019. Adults only.1101P1 S1 ATAC PSSA Acupressure G706 Trailer 4 AML
1101P1 S1 ATAC PSSA Acupressure G706 Trailer 1 AML18NT
Adults enter password "adult" ========== -
Sale!Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。 EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== //0:23:40 1013 YSDM Massage F210 Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage 바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩 1013 ATAC YSDM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Anti Bacterial Anti Fungal Anti Viral Yoga Stretching Detoxification Massage F210 Part 2 Stage 4 Sensual Lymph Massage Reproductive System Lymph Detoxification Acupressure Pelvis, Groins, Abdomen ==========
Sale!Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。 EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== // 0:22:51 1014 YSDM Massage F210 Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage 바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩 1014 ATAC YSDM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Anti Bacterial Anti Fungal Anti Viral Yoga Stretching Detoxification Massage F210 Part 2 Stage 5 ==========
Sale!Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。 EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== // 0:25:09 1031 YSDM Acupressure F513 Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage 바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩 1031 ATAC YSDM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Anti Bacterial Anti Fungal Anti Viral Yoga Stretching Detoxification Massage F513 ==========
Sale!Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。 EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== // 1:09:31 1101 P2 YSDM Acupressure G706 Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage 바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩 1101 P2 ATAC YSDM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Anti Bacterial Anti Fungal Anti Viral Yoga Stretching Detoxification Massage G706 Part 2 Episode 1 Section 01 P60 AI Finger Force Energizing Acupressure Lower Back of Trunk Bladder Channel I Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pushing Upwards Frontward Back of Trunk Bladder Channel II Gall Bladder Channel Section 02 Fist Force Lymph Drainage Energizing Acupressure Lower Back of Trunk Bladder Channel I Finger Force Lymph Drainage Energizing Acupressure Lower Back of Trunk Upper Buttock Bladder Channel Si-Liao Section 03 P60 AI Palm Finger Force Superficial Lymph Acupressure Trunk Buttock Bladder Channel Gall Bladder Channel Fist Force Lymph Drainage Energizing Acupressure Trunk Buttock Bladder Channel Gall Bladder Channel Section 04 Superficial Lymph Drainage Scratching Acupressure Trunk Buttock Bladder Channel I/II Gall Bladder Channel Lymph Drainage Patting Acupressure Trunk Buttock Bladder Channel I/II Gall Bladder Channel Episode 2 Section 05 P60 AI Aroma Meditation Lymph Effleurage Acupressure Buttock Bladder Channel Gall Bladder Channel Fist Finger Force Lymph Drainage Energizing Acupressure Buttock Bladder Channel Gall Bladder Channel Section 06 2-Hand Single-Sided Lymph Drainage Acupressure Upwards Left/Right Trunk Buttock Bladder Channels Gall Bladder Channel 2-Hand Symmetric Lymph Drainage Acupressure Upwards Frontward Trunk Buttock Bladder Channels I/II Gall Bladder Channel Section 07 P60 AI 2-Hand Single-Sided Lymph Drainage Acupressure Left Groin Perineum Penis Root Thigh Inguinal Nodes Popliteal Nodes Episode 3 Section 08 2-Hand Single-Sided Lymph Drainage Acupressure Downwards Left Mons pubis Perineum Penis Femoral Triangle Inguinal Nodes Superficial Lymph Drainage Patting Acupressure Left Thigh 3 Yin Channels 3 Yang Channels Section 09 2-Hand Single-Sided Lymph Drainage Acupressure Downwards Right Mons pubis Perineum Penis Femoral Triangle Inguinal Nodes Deep Tissue Lymph Drainage Acupressure Right Thigh 3 Yin Channels 3 Yang Channels Section 10 2-Hand Single-Sided Lymph Drainage Acupressure Upwards Right Thigh Femoral Triangle Inguinal Nodes Superficial Lymph Drainage Patting Acupressure Right Thigh 3 Yin Channels 3 Yang Channels ==========
Sale!Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。 EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== // 0:54:12 1101 P3 YSDM Acupressure G706 Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage 바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩 1101 P3 ATAC YSDM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Anti Bacterial Anti Fungal Anti Viral Yoga Stretching Detoxification Massage G706 Part 3 Episode 1 LDrA SLNEA SLDrEA Section 01 P60 SR AI Healing Stress Relief Anti Inflammation Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pushing Upwards Right Calf Bladder Channel Gall Bladder Channel Kidney Channel Liver Channel Section 02 P60 SR AI Healing Stress Relief Anti Inflammation Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pushing Upwards Left Calf Bladder Channel Gall Bladder Channel Kidney Channel Liver Channel Section 03 P60 SR AI Healing Stress Relief Anti Inflammation Symmetric Lymph Nodes Enhancement Acupressure Back of Knees Bladder Channel Popliteal Nodes Section 04 P60 SR AI Healing Stress Relief Anti Inflammation Symmetric Lymph Drainage Energizing Acupressure Frontwards Perineum Inguinal Nodes Scrotum Penis Root Penis Shaft Episode 2 LDrEA OrEA LDrMA LDrStPt Section 05 P60 SR AI Healing Stress Relief Anti Inflammation Lymph Drainage Energizing Acupressure Genital Thigh Scrotum Femoral Triangle Inferior Superficial Inguinal Nodes Section 06 P60 SR AI Healing Stress Relief Anti Inflammation Clothing-off Orgasmic Energizing Acupressure Genital Pinching Scratching Rubbing Perineum Scrotum Penis Root Penis Shaft Glans of Penis Mons pubis Section 07 Palm Force Superficial Lymph Drainage Mediation Acupressure Buttock Fist Force Deep Tissue Lymph Drainage Energizing Acupressure Upwards Superficial Lymph Drainage Scratching Acupressure Lower Waist Buttock Stress Relief Lymph Drainage Patting Acupressure Lower Waist Buttock ==========
Sale!Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。 EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== // 0:45:20 1041 YSDM Acupressure FB22 Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage 바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩 1041 ATAC YSDM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Anti Bacterial Anti Fungal Anti Viral Yoga Stretching Detoxification Massage FB22 Half Pigeon Thigh Bending MtoF FtoM AME LDEM LDrSt LNVM GEM LDrPcPt Aroma Meditation Effleurage Lymph Detoxification Energizing Massage Lymphatic Drainage Scratching Lymphatic Nodes Vessels Massage Genital External meditation Lymphatic Drainage Pinching Patting Section 1 Female Half Pigeon Right Thigh Bending MtoF AME LDEM LDrSt LNVM GEM LDrPcPt Buttock Groin Thigh Calf Foot Anus Perineum Vulva Section 2 Male Half Pigeon Right Thigh Bending FtoM AME LDEM LDrSt GEM LDrPcPt Buttock Groin Thigh Calf Foot Anus Perineum Scrotum Penis Section 1 Female Half Pigeon Right Thigh Bending MtoF AME LDEM LDrSt LNVM GEM LDrPcPt Buttock Groin Thigh Calf Foot Anus Perineum Vulva G1 Jasmine Oil AME Right Buttock Groin Thigh Calf Foot Left Buttock Thigh Female Half Pigeon Male Kneeling Standing LDEM Left Thigh BL GB KD LV SP Channels Female Half Pigeon Male Sitting P68/G3 Rose Serum AME LDrSt Right Buttock Groin Thigh Female Half Pigeon Male Kneeling Palm Force LNVM Right Buttock Groin Thigh Female Half Pigeon Male Standing GEM LDrPcPt Right Hip Buttock Anus Perineum Vulva Thigh Section 2 Male Half Pigeon Right Thigh Bending FtoM AME LDEM LDrSt GEM LDrPcPt Buttock Groin Thigh Calf Foot Anus Perineum Scrotum Penis G1 Jasmine Oil AME Right Buttock Groin Thigh Calf Foot Left Buttock Thigh Male Half Pigeon P68/G3 Rose Serum AME LDEM Right Leg BL GB KD LV SP Channels Left Thigh Male Half Pigeon P68/G3 Rose Serum AME LDrSt Hip Buttock Anus Perineum Scrotum Penis Male Half Pigeon GEM LDrPcPt Right Hip Buttock Groin Anus Perineum Scrotum Penis ========== Jan 7, 2020 for adults and 12+ with parent guidance
1041 S1AB SSMA Acupressure Trailer 02
Adults enter password "adult" ========== -
Sale!Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。 EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== //0:37:52 1012 YSDM Massage F210 Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage 바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩 1012 ATAC YSDM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Anti Bacterial Anti Fungal Anti Viral Yoga Stretching Detoxification Massage F210 Part 2 Stage 3Thighs Open Stretch Thoracic Stretch Genital Internal Meditation Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Vaginal Walls Uterus Cervix Parametrial Nodes ==========
Sale!Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。 EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== // 0:42:04 1010 YSDM Massage F210 Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage 바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩 1010 ATAC YSDM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Anti Bacterial Anti Fungal Anti Viral Yoga Stretching Detoxification Massage F210 Part 2 Stage 1 Nude Half Lying Easy Ling Thigh Open Stretch Lying P52 AI Rose Oil G3 AI Rose Serum Relaxing Nourishing Healing Aphrodisiac AME LDEM MLDrA AMGEf Anterior Lateral Trunk Lower Extremity Genitalia Aroma Meditation Effleurage Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Massage Manual Lymph Drainage Acupressure Aroma Meditation Genital Effleurage Section 1 Half Lying P52 Rose Oil AME Anterior Trunk Lower Extremity Genitalia Section 2 Half Lying LDEM Calves GB ST SP LV KD Zu-San-Li Yin-Ling-Quan San-Yin-Jiao Section 3 Half Lying LDEM Legs Genitalia Easy Lying LDEM Anterior Lateral Trunk Vulva Section 4 Easy Lying MLDrA PSD Anterior Lateral Left Right Trunk Lower Extremity Genitalia Section 5 Thigh Open Stretch Lying G3 Rose Serum AMGEf Mons pubis Groins Genitalia Anus==========May 5, 2020 for adults only.
1010 S1 ATAC YSDM Massage Trailer 1 BA
Adults enter password: adult ==========