5204 AD MPSM Massage

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Sep 9, 2019 by CC, Adults and 12+ with parent guidance only.

5204AD E3 S1S3A MPSM Massage Trailer 6 SND BND A18

Dec 22, 2019, for adults and 12+ with parent guidance

5204AD E5 S4 MPSM Massage Trailer 8 AML

Jan 8, 2020 for adults only.

5204AD E3 S5 MPSM Massage Tr 4 AML2

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1:57:27 5204AD MPSM Massage J927



Multi Partners Shiatsu Massage

Lymphatic Detoxification Massage

J927 2to1 AME LDEA SLDrA OrLDrM Anterior

G3 LDMC Aroma Meditation Effleurage Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure

Superficial Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Orgasmic Lymph Drainage Meditation


0:19:08 Episode 1 Symmetric LDEA Anterior Calves Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure

Stomach Channel Gall Bladder Channel Spleen Channel Liver Channel Kidney Channel

0:25:46 Episode 2 Symmetric LDEA Anterior Thighs Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure

Gall Bladder Channel Spleen Channel Liver Channel Kidney Channel Stomach Channel

0:25:50 Episode 3 Symmetric LDEA Anterior Lateral Trunk Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure

Ren-Mai Kidney Channel Liver Channel Spleen Channel Stomach Channel Gall Bladder Channel

LDrA Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Breasts Abdomen Groins Vagina Legs Nude

Chest Nodes Thoracic Duct Cisterna Chyli Iliac Nodes Parametrial Nodes Inguinal Nodes

0:35:25 Episode 4 LDrA Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Anterior Trunk Lower Extremity

Breasts Abdomen Mons pubis Groins Thighs Calves Labia majora Labia minora Nude

Cross-Hands LDrA Lymphatic Drainage Upwards Acupressure Anterior Trunk Lower Extremity

Calves Thighs Groins Perineum Labia majora Labia minora Mons pubis Abdomen Breasts

0:28:18 Episode 5 G3 LDMC AME OrLDrM Anterior Trunk Legs Genitalia

Aroma Meditation Effleurage Orgasmic Lymph Drainage Meditation

Calves Thighs Groins Perineum Vulva Mons pubis Abdomen Chest Breasts







SKU: 52041000 Category: Tags: , , , , , ,


1:57:27 5204AD MPSM Massage J927


5204AD MPSM Massage has 5 episodes:

0:19:10 Episode 1 Symmetric LDEA Anterior Calves

0:25:46 Episode 2 Symmetric LDEA Anterior Thighs

0:27:23 Episode 3 Symmetric LDEA Anterior Lateral Trunk

0:36:28 Episode 4 LDrA Anterior Trunk Lower Extremity

0:28:42 Episode 5 G3 LDMC AME OrLDrM Anterior Trunk Legs Genitalia



Multi Partners Shiatsu Massage

Lymphatic Detoxification Massage

J927 2to1 AME LDEA SLDrA OrLDrM Anterior

G3 LDMC Aroma Meditation Effleurage Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure

Superficial Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Orgasmic Lymph Drainage Meditation


0:19:10 Episode 1 Symmetric LDEA Anterior Calves Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure

Stomach Channel Gall Bladder Channel Spleen Channel Liver Channel Kidney Channel

0:25:46 Episode 2 Symmetric LDEA Anterior Thighs Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure

Gall Bladder Channel Spleen Channel Liver Channel Kidney Channel Stomach Channel

0:27:23 Episode 3 Symmetric LDEA Anterior Lateral Trunk Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure

Ren-Mai Kidney Channel Liver Channel Spleen Channel Stomach Channel Gall Bladder Channel

LDrA Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Breasts Abdomen Groins Vagina Legs Nude

Chest Nodes Thoracic Duct Cisterna Chyli Iliac Nodes Parametrial Nodes Inguinal Nodes

0:36:28s Episode 4 LDrA Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Anterior Trunk Lower Extremity

Breasts Abdomen Mons pubis Groins Thighs Calves Labia majora Labia minora Nude

Cross-Hands LDrA Lymphatic Drainage Upwards Acupressure Anterior Trunk Lower Extremity

Calves Thighs Groins Perineum Labia majora Labia minora Mons pubis Abdomen Breasts

0:28:42 Episode 5 G3 LDMC AME OrLDrM Anterior Trunk Legs Genitalia

Aroma Meditation Effleurage Orgasmic Lymph Drainage Meditation

Calves Thighs Groins Perineum Vulva Mons pubis Abdomen Chest Breasts




0:19:10 5204 AD EP1 MPSM Massage J927



Multi Partners Shiatsu Massage

Lymphatic Detoxification Massage

J927 2to1 AME LDEA SLDrA OrLDrM Anterior

G3 LDMC Aroma Meditation Effleurage Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure

Superficial Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Orgasmic Lymph Drainage Meditation


Episode 1 Symmetric LDEA Anterior Calves Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure

Stomach Channel Gall Bladder Channel Spleen Channel Liver Channel Kidney Channel


Section 1 Superficial Lymph Detoxification Energizing Effleurage Anterior Legs Groins

Stomach Channel Gall Bladder Channel Spleen Channel Liver Channel Kidney Channel Bladder Channel

Section 2 LDEA Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Anterior Calves Stomach Channel

Section 3 LDEA Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Anterior Calves Gall Bladder Channel

Section 4 LDEA Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Anterior Calves Spleen Channel

Section 5 LDEA Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Anterior Calves Liver Channel

Section 6 LDEA Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Anterior Calves Kidney Channel




0:25:46 5204 AD EP2 MPSM Massage J927



Multi Partners Shiatsu Massage

Lymphatic Detoxification Massage

J927 2to1 AME LDEA SLDrA OrLDrM Anterior

G3 LDMC Aroma Meditation Effleurage Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure

Superficial Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Orgasmic Lymph Drainage Meditation


Episode 2 Symmetric LDEA Anterior Thighs Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure

Gall Bladder Channel Spleen Channel Liver Channel Kidney Channel Stomach Channel

Section 1 Deep Tissue Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Anterior Thighs Stomach Channel

Section 2 Deep Tissue Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Anterior Thighs Gall Bladder Channel

Section 3 Deep Tissue Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Anterior Thighs Spleen Channel

Section 4 Deep Tissue Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Anterior Thighs Liver Channel

Section 5 Deep Tissue Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Anterior Thighs Kidney Channel

Section 6 Palm Force Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Anterior Upwards Thighs

Stomach Channel Gall Bladder Channel Spleen Channel Liver Channel Kidney Channel




0:27:23 5204 AD EP3 MPSM Massage J927



Multi Partners Shiatsu Massage

Lymphatic Detoxification Massage

J927 2to1 AME LDEA SLDrA OrLDrM Anterior

G3 LDMC Aroma Meditation Effleurage Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure

Superficial Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Orgasmic Lymph Drainage Meditation


Episode 3 Symmetric LDEA Anterior Lateral Trunk Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure

Ren-Mai Kidney Channel Liver Channel Spleen Channel Stomach Channel Gall Bladder Channel

LDrA Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Breasts Abdomen Groins Vagina Legs Nude

Chest Nodes Thoracic Duct Cisterna Chyli Iliac Nodes Parametrial Nodes Inguinal Nodes


Section 1 Symmetric Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Liver Stomach Colons Kidneys

Section 2 Lateral Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Pressing Pulling Anterior Trunk

Section 3 RR012 G3 AI LDMO Nourishing Aroma Meditation Effleurage Anterior Chest Breasts Abdomen

Section 4 Symmetric Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Downloads Chest Breasts Abdomen Groins Vulva

Section 5 RR012 G3 AI LDMO Nourishing Aroma Meditation Effleurage Anterior Femoral Triangles Legs

Symmetric Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Downloads Anterior Femoral Triangles Legs




0:36:28 5204 AD EP4 MPSM Massage J927



Multi Partners Shiatsu Massage

Lymphatic Detoxification Massage

J927 2to1 AME LDEA SLDrA OrLDrM Anterior

G3 LDMC Aroma Meditation Effleurage Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure

Superficial Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Orgasmic Lymph Drainage Meditation


Episode 4 Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Anterior Trunk Legs Genitalia

Breasts Abdomen Mons pubis Groins Thighs Calves Labia majora Labia minora

Cross-Hands Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Anterior Trunk Lower Extremity

Calves Thighs Groins Perineum Vulva Mons pubis Abdomen Breasts


Section 1 Symmetric Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Pushing Down

Anterior Trunk Legs Genitalia Ren-Mai 6 Yin Channels 5 Yang Channels

Section 2 Symmetric Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Pushing Up

Anterior Legs Genitalia Trunk Ren-Mai 6 Yin Channels 5 Yang Channels

Section 3 Symmetric Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Pulling Down

Anterior Trunk Legs Genitalia Ren-Mai 6 Yin Channels 5 Yang Channels

Section 4 Symmetric Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Pulling Up

Anterior Legs Genitalia Trunk Ren-Mai 6 Yin Channels 5 Yang Channels

Section 5 Symmetric Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Pushing Pulling Up

Anterior Legs Genitalia Trunk Ren-Mai 6 Yin Channels 5 Yang Channels

Section 6 Symmetric Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Cross-Hands Pulling Up

Anterior Legs Genitalia Trunk Ren-Mai 6 Yin Channels 5 Yang Channels




0:28:42 5204 AD EP5 MPSM Massage J927



Multi Partners Shiatsu Massage

Lymphatic Detoxification Massage

J927 2to1 AME LDEA SLDrA OrLDrM Anterior

G3 LDMC Aroma Meditation Effleurage Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure

Superficial Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Orgasmic Lymph Drainage Meditation


Episode 5 G3 LDMC AME OrLDrM Anterior Trunk Legs Genitalia

Aroma Meditation Effleurage Orgasmic Lymph Drainage Meditation

Calves Thighs Groins Perineum Vulva Mons pubis Abdomen Chest Breasts


Section 1 G3 AI LDMC Healing Aroma Meditation Effleurage

Breasts Groins Mons pubis Perineum Labia majora Labia minora Clitoris

Section 2 LNVA Lymph Nodes Vessels Acupressure

Breasts Groins Mons pubis Perineum Labia majora Labia minora Clitoris

Section 3 Symmetric Orgasmic Lymph Drainage Meditation

Groins Mons pubis Perineum Labia majora Labia minora Clitoris Abdomen

Section 4 4-Hands Orgasmic Lymph Drainage Meditation Upwards

Ren-Mai Perineum Vulva Mons pubis Clitoris Abdomen Chest Breasts

Section 5 Symmetric Lymph Drainage Acupressure Downwards Thighs Calves

Superficial Lymph Drainage Patting Abdomen Chest Drainage Squeezing Breasts

Symmetric Drainage Acupressure Downwards Abdomen Thighs






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