4074 PSMM Meditation

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1:18:00 4074 PSMM Meditation F614


4074 ATAC PSMM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Partner Simultaneous Mutual Meditation



S01 MtoF FtoM SREE Anterior Trunk Stress Relieving Energizing Effleurage

S02 MtoF FtoM LDEA Chest Breasts Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure

S03 MtoF FtoM LDOEA Trunk Genitalia Lymph Detoxification Orgasmic Energizing Acupressure

S04 MtoF FtoM GEM MEM Genital External Meditation Mutual External Meditation

S05 Female Yin Top Male Yin; Female Yang Top Male Yin; Male Yin Top Female Yin MEM


Is massaging not allowed during female period (menstrual cycle)? What can you massage/exercise if the female partner is having a period? Our experiments show massaging cautiously on many parts of the body may benefit relief from PMS and make both of you energized and relaxing.

In the study of massage during period, both partners are suggested to massage each other in proper ways which should not do some procedures. Here are some suggested notes –

  1. Avoid massage with sharp and strong force on San-Yin-Jiao.
  2. Do not stimulate ovaries and uterus with high pressure.
  3. Avoid touching external vagina without using anti microbial cream/lotion/serum/spray.
  4. Avoid touching internal vagina if it is not a necessary need.
  5. Use of external anti inflammatory product (such as G10 AI Cream) around vagina, pelvis and breasts may help with relief from menstrual pain and other symptoms due to inflammation.
  6. MtoF sexual organ meditation massage could be an excellent alternative to sexual intercourse during period. Some females really enjoy having orgasms and have higher sexual desire before and during period.
  7. FtoM sexual organ meditation massage can replace unpleasant sexual intercourse during severe bleeding.



4074 ATAC PSMM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Partner Simultaneous Mutual Meditation



S01 MtoF FtoM SREE Anterior Trunk Stress Relieving Energizing Effleurage

S02 MtoF FtoM LDEA Chest Breasts Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure

S03 MtoF FtoM LDOEA Trunk Genitalia Lymph Detoxification Orgasmic Energizing Acupressure

S04 MtoF FtoM GEM MEM Genital External Meditation Mutual External Meditation

S05 Female Yin Top Male Yin; Female Yang Top Male Yin; Male Yin Top Female Yin MEM


Is massaging not allowed during female period (menstrual cycle)? What can you massage/exercise if the female partner is having a period? Our experiments show massaging cautiously on many parts of the body may benefit relief from PMS and make both of you energized and relaxing.

In the study of massage during period, both partners are suggested to massage each other in proper ways which should not do some procedures. Here are some suggested notes –

  1. Avoid massage with sharp and strong force on San-Yin-Jiao.
  2. Do not stimulate ovaries and uterus with high pressure.
  3. Avoid touching external vagina without using anti microbial cream/lotion/serum/spray.
  4. Avoid touching internal vagina if it is not a necessary need.
  5. Use of external anti inflammatory product (such as G10 AI Cream) around vagina, pelvis and breasts may help with relief from menstrual pain and other symptoms due to inflammation.
  6. MtoF sexual organ meditation massage could be an excellent alternative to sexual intercourse during period. Some females really enjoy having orgasms and have higher sexual desire before and during period.
  7. FtoM sexual organ meditation massage can replace unpleasant sexual intercourse during severe bleeding.


Section 01 –

Female Lying Facing Up Male Lying Turning Right MtoF SREE Anterior Trunk

Male-Yin-Female-Left-Side Male to Female Stress Relieving Energizing Effleurage

Chest Breasts Left Upper Arm Liver Stomach Spleen Pancreas Intestines Colons Kidney

Male Lying Facing Up Female Lying Turning Right FtoM SREE Anterior Trunk

Female-Yin-Male-Left-Side Female to Male Stress Relieving Energizing Effleurage

Chest Heart Lungs Liver Stomach Spleen Pancreas Intestines Colons Kidney

Section 02 –

Female Lying Facing Up Male Lying Turning Left MtoF LDrA Anterior Trunk Inwards

Male-Yin-Female-Right-Side Male to Female Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure

Chest Breasts Left Upper Arm Liver Stomach Spleen Pancreas Intestines Colons Kidney

Male Lying Facing Up Female Lying Turning Right FtoM LDrA Anterior Trunk

Female-Yin-Male-Left-Side Female to Male Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure

Chest Heart Lungs Liver Stomach Spleen Pancreas Intestines Colons Kidney

Section 03 –

Female Lying Topless Facing Up Male Lying Turning Left MtoF LDOEA Trunk Genitalia

Male-Yin-Female-Right-Side MtoF Lymph Detoxification Orgasmic Energizing Acupressure

Chest Breasts Nipples Liver Stomach Spleen Pancreas Intestines Colons Mons pubis Vulva

Male Lying Partial Nude Facing Up Female Lying Turning Right FtoM LDOEA Trunk Genitalia

Female-Yin-Male-Left-Side FtoM Lymph Detoxification Orgasmic Energizing Acupressure

Liver Stomach Spleen Pancreas Intestines Colons Kidney Mons pubis Groins Penis Perineum

Section 04 –

Female Lying Facing Up Male Lying Turning Right Both Partial Nude

G10 AAA AIR Cream Healing Anti Inflammation MtoF GEM Genitalia

Male-Yin-Female-Left-Side MtoF LDA Scratching Genital External Meditation

Chest Breasts Nipples Abdomen Mons pubis Labia majora Labia minora Clitoris

Yin-Yin Lateral Mutual External Meditation Breasts Genitalia Back of Trunk

Male Lying Facing Up Female Lying Turning Left Both Partial Nude

G10 AAA AIR Cream Healing Anti Inflammation FtoM GEM Genitalia

Female-Yin-Female-Right-Side FtoM LDA Scratching Genital External Meditation

Chest Abdomen Mons pubis Femoral Triangle Penis Scrotum Perineum Anus

Yin-Yin Lateral Mutual External Meditation Breasts Genitalia Back of Trunk

Section 05 –

Male Yin Bottom Lying Female Yin Top Head to Head MEM Mutual External Meditation

Male to Female LDEA Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Back Bladder Channel

Male Yin Bottom Lying Female Yang Top Head to Head MEM Mutual External Meditation

Male to Female Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Breasts Vagina Penis to Buttock

Female Yin Bottom Lying Male Yin Top Head to Head MEM Mutual External Meditation

Female to Male LDEA Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Back Bladder Channel

Male to Female Chest to Breasts Penis to Vagina Simultaneous Mutual Genital Meditation




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