0094 PMA Acupressure

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1:13:30 0094 PMA Acupressure FC01

Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage

바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩



Anti Tumors Anti Cysts

Partner Mutual Acupressure FC01

MtoF GEM GIM Both Partners Clothing-Off

GEM Genital External Meditation GIM Genital Internal Meditation

0:35:25 Episode 1 Section 01 to Section 07 Posterior Side Stretch GEM GIM

0:43:06 Episode 2 Section 08 to Section 13 Cat Pose Stretch GEM GIM Anterior GEM GIM










0094 PMA Acupressure FC01

Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage

바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩


AMT HBM LDEM PMM Massage Theory

PEM & LDM – A health study and research by

AMT – Aroma Massage Therapy

HBM – Health Beauty Massage

PEM – Partners Energizing Meditation

LDM – Lymphatic Detoxification Massage

This energizing massage experiment is part of the research on long term physical care and mental relaxation for both partners.

Massaging abdomen, Groins, Thighs, Bladder Ren-Mai not only stimulates visceral functions but also benefits detoxification and relieving from toxified type of skin and visceral inflammation.

Deep Tissue Visceral Massage on pelvic organs and tissues removes excess water from bladder, genitalia and colons with natural process when using anti inflammatory essential oil product.

After removing excess water, pelvic organs and tissues are able to absorb more essential nutrition and increase energy level more efficiently.

It results in better health and more energetic female & male sexual organs, and both partners could better prevent various SD (sexual dysfunctions).

For Female over 40, LDEM combined with AME and PMM is a must for sliming, skin nourishing, anti aging and better mind and visceral health.


Anti Tumors Anti Cysts

Partner Mutual Acupressure FC01

MtoF GEM GIM Both Partners Clothing-Off

GEM Genital External Meditation GIM Genital Internal Meditation

0:35:25 Episode 1 Section 01 to Section 07 Posterior Side Stretch GEM GIM

0:43:06 Episode 2 Section 08 to Section 13 Cat Pose Stretch GEM GIM Anterior GEM GIM


Section 01 –

G1 AAA Healing Right Thigh Forward Stretch Facing Down

Lymph Detoxification Acupressure Inferior Inguinal Nodes

GEM Genital External Meditation Anus Perineum Vulva Mons pubis

Section 02 –

Elbow Force Lymph Drainage Acupressure Right Thigh Buttock Gall Bladder Channel

Elbow Force Lymph Drainage Acupressure Left Buttock Thigh Kidney Liver Channels

Lymph Detoxification Acupressure Right Thigh Bladder Channel Gall Bladder Channel

Section 03 –

G1 AAA Healing Effleurage Right Thigh Forward Stretch Thigh Buttock Vulva Anus

Lymph Drainage Orgasmic Acupressure Backwards Anus Perineum Vulva Mons pubis

Section 04 –

ATAC Lymph Drainage Orgasmic Acupressure Clitoris Urethral Opening Vestibule

ATAC Lymph Drainage Acupressure Backwards Clitoris Labia minora Perineum Anus

Section 05 –

G7 AAA AIR Healing GEM Genital External Meditation Vulva Perineum

G7 AAA AIR Healing GIM Genital Internal Meditation Vaginal Wall Bartholin’s Gland

Section 06 –

G7 AAA AIR Healing GIM Genital Internal Meditation Vaginal Canal Cervix

Lymph Drainage Orgasmic Acupressure Vaginal Walls G-Spot Skene’s Gland

Section 07 –

G3 AI Rose Healing GEM Genital External Meditation Vulva Perineum Anus

G3 AI Rose Healing GIM Genital Internal Meditation Vaginal Canal Walls

Section 08 –

G7/G10 AAA AIR Healing Cat Pose Stretch GEM Vulva Clitoris Perineum Anus

GIM Genital Internal Meditation Vaginal Canal G-Spot Cervix Bartholin’s Gland

Section 09 –

G7/G10 AAA AIR Healing Cat Pose Stretch

Genital External Meditation Vulva Clitoris Perineum Anus Mons pubis Buttock

Section 10 –

Switch to Front Side G3 AI Rose Healing GEM Genital External Meditation

Vulva Clitoris Perineum Anus Mons pubis Thighs Femoral Triangle

Section 11 –

G7/G10 AAA AIR Healing GIM Genital Internal Meditation

Vaginal Canal Walls G-Spot Cervix Uterus Parametrial Nodes

Section 12 –

G7/G10 AAA AIR Healing GEM Genital External Meditation

Clitoris Labia minora Labia majora Perineum Anus Mons pubis Inguinal Nodes

Section 13 –

G3 AI Rose Healing Lymph Drainage Orgasmic Acupressure Upwards

Ren-Mai Vagina Cervix Vulva Femoral Triangle Uterus Parametrial Nodes


Massage, 마사지, マッサージ, 按摩,

Yoga Massage,요가 마사지, ヨガマッサージ, 瑜珈按摩,

Body Massage, 바디 마사지, ボディマッサージ, 身體按摩,

Vagina Massage, 질 마사지, 膣マッサージ, 陰道按摩,

Breasts Massage, 乳房マッサージ, 유방 마사지, 乳房按摩,

Penis Massage,페니스 마사지, ペニスマッサージ, 陰莖按摩,

Penis Insertion,남근 삽입,ペニス挿入,陰莖插入,







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