0037 SRM Massage

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0:38:15 0037 SRM Massage E918

Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage

바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩

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0:38:15 0037 SRM Massage E918

Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage

바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩


Section 01 –

Symmetric Lymph Drainage Acupressure Upwards Legs Groin Vulva Perineum

Superficial Inferior Inguinal Nodes Superficial Superior Inguinal Nodes Popliteal Nodes

Lymph Nodes Enhancement Massage Abdomen Groins Uterus Ovaries

Arotic Nodes Iliac Nodes Deep Femoral Nodes Parametrial Nodes Deep Inguinal Nodes

Section 02 –

P52 AI Rose Healing Relaxing Nourishing Lymph Effleurage Abdomen Femoral Triangle

Superficial Inferior Inguinal Nodes Superficial Superior Inguinal Nodes Cloquet’s Nodes

Arotic Nodes Iliac Nodes Deep Femoral Nodes Parametrial Nodes Deep Inguinal Nodes

Section 03 –

Lymph Nodes Vessels Massage Arotic Nodes Iliac Nodes Inguinal Nodes Parametrial Nodes

Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pulling Downwards Abdomen Thoracic Duct Cisterna Chyli

Section 04 –

Deep Tissue Visceral Lymph Drainage Energizing Acupressure

Liver Intestines Spleen Kidney Colons Uterus Ovaries

Hand Force Superficial Lymph Drainage Acupressure Abdomen

Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pushing Upwards Ren-Mai Abdomen

Section 05 –

2-hand Visceral Lymph Drainage Acupressure Digestive System Reproductive System

Lymph Detoxification Sensual Energizing Acupressure Groins Mons pubis Vulva Perineum

Section 06 –

G10 AIR AAA Repairing G100 Lavender Superficial Lymph Detoxification Sensual Acupressure

Lymph Drainage Acupressure Abdomen Femoral Triangle Mons pubis Perineum Inguinal Nodes


Massage, 마사지, マッサージ, 按摩,

Yoga Massage,요가 마사지, ヨガマッサージ, 瑜珈按摩,

Body Massage, 바디 마사지, ボディマッサージ, 身體按摩,

Vagina Massage, 질 마사지, 膣マッサージ, 陰道按摩,

Breasts Massage, 乳房マッサージ, 유방 마사지, 乳房按摩,

Penis Massage,페니스 마사지, ペニスマッサージ, 陰莖按摩,

Penis Insertion,남근 삽입,ペニス挿入,陰莖插入,








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