Memberships and Video Groups
Platinum members can order AG12, AR18, PMEM, PMIM videos
Diamond members can order AG12, AR18, PMEM, PMIM videos
Silver members can order AG12, AR18, PMEM videos

MeWe Private Showroom
Platinum Member can be invited to MeWe Platinum private group
(Visit to join, answer membership invoice number)

Diamond Member can be invited to MeWe Diamond private group
(Visit to join, answer membership invoice number)

Silver Member can be invited to MeWe Silver private group
(Visit to join, answer membership invoice number)

Platinum –
1) For ordering all videos including PMIM videos
2) For viewing original and modified sample photos and sample videos including PMIM images in Dropbox and MeWe Showrooms.

Diamond –
1) For ordering AG12, AR18, PMEM, PMIM videos
2) For viewing original and modified sample photos and sample videos except original PMIM sample photos and videos in Dropbox and MeWe Showrooms. .

Silver –
1) For ordering AG12, AR18, PMEM videos.
2) For viewing modified sample photos and sample videos in Dropbox and MeWe Showrooms. .

May 10, 2021, Rev 4


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