Welcome to

Aroma Medicine Massage

Mar 12, 2020

Membership requirement for ordering videos

There are 5 types of age restrictions and membership requirement of our videos shown on the thumbnail of all videos:

AMMB videos – for adults and 12+ with parent guidance. Membership is not required.

AMMS AR18 videos – 18+ only. AMMB or AMMS or AMMD or AMMP membership is required.

AMMD AR18 videos – 18+ only. AMMB or AMMS or AMMD or AMMP membership is required.

PMEM videos – 18+ only. AMMS or AMMD or AMMP membership is required.

PMIM videos – 18+ only. AMMD or AMMP membership is required.

One time donation on memberships is good for lifetime ordering.

(Updated on Mar 12, 2020)

Mar 11, 2020


From now till Mar 31, 2020,

membership is waived for ordering



Q1: Where can I see all the video product items?

A1: In HGS漢医指圧, you can find subcategories for videos under each subcategory, including:

  • downloadable/non-downloadable
  • different age groups AMMD AMMS AMMB PMM

Q2: What are the age restriction and membership requirement?

AMMB – Adults and PG12 (or, AR12+) with parent guidance. Membership is not required.

AMMD AMMS – 18+. Membership is not required.

PMEM  – 18+. Membership is not required.

PMIM – 18+ with AMMD or AMMS membership

Q3: Can I download the videos?

A3: there are 2 types of videos including:

  • Downloadable, 30 days download time.
  • Non-Downloadable videos, 12 months viewing time

Q4: How do I receive the video product?

A4: All donated videos are sent through email in the form of Dropbox video links.

Q5: How can I see the trailers (sample videos) and sample photos?

Non-members: Public visitors can find many public photos and some sample videos with blocking or blurring effects in the product description. Adults and PG12 with parent guidance only.

Members: AMMD, AMMS and AMMB Members can visit showroom and AMM Dropbox areas to see some or no blocking effects. Login or passwords are required for member areas.

AMM Aroma Medicine Massage

Oct 20, 2019


Special Notes:

For aroma product and public videos, register an account with true information. After approval, you will be informed shortly.

We do not provide massage services.

Links of videos will be sent to your email within 10 days after completion of orders if there is no technical or other unforeseen problems.

All donations for videos and memberships are non-refundable except for double donations.

Full refund will be issued on double donations for videos with a processing fee of 5% (minimum CAD$0.50) to be applied on each order. To avoid double ordering, please make sure you clear previous ordering data when making new orders.

Age-restricted videos are for health experiments of AMRC/NMRC and they are not sex or porn movies. There are frequent “clothing-optional” scenes and physical contacts on sensitive areas because of research and clinical needs.

AMM Aroma Medicine Massage

Oct 20, 2019


For AMMD/AMMS/AMMB members

If you wish to view Dropbox photos and sample videos, send your Dropbox email in the order, in email or in FB groups to Roseraie Y. (Admin).

Each member can only have one email added in the Dropbox group list.

Members are allowed to change Dropbox email address once every 365 days.

Chaque membre peut avoir un email dans notre liste Dropbox.

Les membres peuvent changer l’adresse email de Dropbox une fois tous les 365 jours.

Cada miembro puede tener un correo electrónico en nuestra lista de Dropbox.

Los miembros pueden cambiar la dirección de correo electrónico de Dropbox una vez cada 365 días.



각 회원은 Dropbox 목록에 하나의 이메일을 가질 수 있습니다.

회원은 365 일마다 한 번 Dropbox 이메일 주소를 변경할 수 있습니다.



كل عضو يمكن أن يكون واحد البريد الإلكتروني في قائمة دروببوإكس لدينا.

يمكن للأعضاء تغيير عنوان البريد الإلكتروني دروببوإكس مرة واحدة كل 365 يوما.

AMM Aroma Medicine Massage

Oct 20, 2019
