2005 WHC GEIM Meditation FB16
2005 E1 WHC GEIM
Women Health Care
Genital External Internal Meditation
Aroma Meditation Effleurage Lymph Nodes Vessels Enhancement Acupressure
Genital External Meditation Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure
Genital Internal Meditation Genital Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure
Orgasmic Lymph Drainage Acupressure Mid-Tissue Lymph Drainage Energizing Acupressure
Section 1 G3 AI Rose Serum AME Abdomen Femoral Triangle Genitalia
Section 2 G3 AI Rose Serum AME LNVEA GEM Right Groin Thighs Genitalia
Section 3 G3 AI Rose Serum AME LNVEA GEM Left Groin Thighs Genitalia
Section 4 LDEA G10 AIR Cream AME GEM Abdomen Thighs Femoral Triangle Genitalia
Section 5 G3 AI Rose Serum AME GIM G10 AIR Cream AME GLDEA Vulva Vagina Uterus
Section 6 OrLDrA MTLDrEA Thighs Groins Vulva Perineum Abdomen Mons pubis
2005 E2 WHC GEIM
Women Health Care
Genital External Internal Meditation
Lymph Detoxification Effleurage Aroma Meditation Effleurage
Genital External Meditation Genital Internal Meditation
Oral Meditation Genital External Internal Meditation
Orgasmic Lymph Drainage Acupressure Lymph Drainage Energizing Acupressure
Section 1 LDE Right Thigh G3 AI Rose Serum AME Right Thigh Femoral Triangle Genitalia
Section 2 Right Thigh-Up Stretch GEM Right Groin Vulva Perineum Clitoris Mons pubis
Section 3 Right Thigh-Up Stretch One Finger Two Fingers GIM Vagina Anus Uterus G-Spot
Section 4 G3 AI Rose Serum Left Thigh-Open Stretch AME Left Groin Genitalia OrMe Clitoris
Section 5 LDE Right Thigh AME Right Thigh Femoral Triangle Genitalia
Section 6 Left Thigh-Up Stretch GEM Right Groin Vulva Perineum Clitoris Mons pubis
Section 7 Right Thigh-Up Stretch GEIM Vaginal Walls Anus Uterus G-Spot Clitoris
Section 8 OrLDrA MTLDrEA Thighs Groins Vulva Perineum Abdomen Mons pubis OrMe Clitoris
Purpose 1: Anti Cancer Uterus Ovaries
Purpose 2: Preventing Auto Immune Diseases (including cysts)
Why cancer: Cancer is the abnormal reproduction of your own cells due to defect of genes caused by bad body electromagnetic fields.
Some main reasons that result in cancer related genetic problems:
- Stress and other mental problems that increase bata wave and reduce alpha wave.
- Infection from microbes such as virus, bacteria and fungi
- chemical toxins (especially synthetic) and natural toxins (cigarettes, radiations,…)
- Diet and lifestyle (exercises, sleep, …) that cause bad body electromagnetic fields
Main reasons cause Auto Immune Diseases:
- Toxin-related hormones disorders
- Diet-related hormones disorders
- Stress and other mental problems
Why NMRC ATAC Women Genital Meditation experiment –
- Aroma product for anti microbes
- Aroma Meditation & Acupressure for enhancing lymphatic system and for the relief from stress and other mental problems through enhancing good body waves
- Phyto essential fatty acids for nourishing of GLA, ALA and good hormones needs
- Aroma cream and serum diluting and detoxifying
- Contacts on hidden areas where require good circulation of blood and lymph greatly enhances and normalizes immune function
- The massage process is only recommended for partners, couples and people who have full trust such that the patient can have highest chance to create happy hormones and best brain alpha wave and suppress beta wave.
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