5552 PSLA Acupressure

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New version Mar 2024.

2024년 3월 새 버전.

2024 年 3 月の新バージョン。

新版本 2024 年 3 月。


PSEA massage can increase the whole body energy of both partners before genital penetration.

PSEA 마사지는 생식기 삽입 전에 두 파트너의 전신 에너지를 증가시킬 수 있습니다.

PSEAマッサージは、性器への挿入前に、両方のパートナーの全身エネルギーを増加させることができます。PSEA 按摩可以在生殖器插入之前增加雙方的全身能量。


1:29:42 5552 PSLA Acupressure FA29

GV Massage, CV Massage, Breasts Massage, Buttock Massage, Penis Massage, Vagina Massage, Body Massage, Spinal Massage, Yoga Massage,

독맥 마사지, 임맥 마사지, 유방 마사지, 엉덩이 마사지, 음경 마사지, 질 마사지, 바디 마사지, 척추 마사지, 요가 마사지,


督脈按摩, 任脈按摩, 乳房按摩, 臀部按摩, 陰莖按摩, 陰道按摩, 身體按摩, 脊椎按摩, 瑜伽按摩,


1:29:42 5552 PSLA Acupressure FA29 has 2 episodes:

0:41:43 5552 ST1 PSLA Acupressure FA29

0:53:19 5552 ST2 PSLA Acupressure FA29


An anti microbial detoxification massage & meditation experiment for partners.



Research period: Jan 2001 – Dec 2025 (25 years)

PEM Partners Energizing Meditation; PMM is a part of PEM

PEM 伴侶強身身心療癒; PMM伴侶相互身心療癒是PEM的其中一項


PMM includes BMM, Body Mutual Meditation and GMM, Genital Mutual Meditation. GMM for female includes GEM,  Genital External Meditation, and GIM, Genital External Meditation.

PMM伴侶相互身心療癒, 包括BMM身體相互身心療癒, GMM性器官相互身心療癒, 女性性器官相互身心療癒, 以及 GIM女性性器官相互身心療癒。


GEM or GEMA Genital External Meditation, a physical and mental gentle treatment (including rubbing, hand acupressure, scraping, scratching, thrusting, pinching and discrete meditating … etc) on external genitalia, mons pubis, perineum, anus and breasts.

GEM/GEMA性器官外部身心療癒, 以指壓、按摩、刮痧、抓、抽插、捏、無接觸氣療等方式, 調理身體敏感部位的性器官外部、陰阜、會陰、肛門、乳房, 對身體心理同時進行療癒。


Purposes of GEM: For anti microbes; anti anxiety; anti inflammation; detoxification; deodorizing; energizing; preventing female frigidity and male erectile dysfunction; skin protecting, firming, healing, whitening.; rejuvenating genitalia; regenerating sexual functions




Anti Tumors Anti Cysts

Partner Sensual Lymphatic Acupressure


Aroma Meditation Energizing Massage Manual Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure

Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Massage Lymphatic Node Vessels Massage

Deep Tissue Lymphatic Detoxification Massage Body Mutual Energizing Meditation


Stage 2 2F1M MLDrA LDEM LNVM DTLDM Posterior Anterior


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Aroma Meditation Energizing Massage Manual Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure

Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Massage Lymphatic Node Vessels Massage

Deep Tissue Lymphatic Detoxification Massage Body Mutual Energizing Meditation

Section 1 MtoF1 G1 Jasmine Oil AMeEfM MLDrA LDEM LNVM DTLDM Trunk Hip

Section 2toF1 G3 LDMC Cream LDEM MLDrA AMeEfM LNVM Trunk Buttock Arms Legs

Section 3 F2toM G1 Jasmine Oil BMEMe AMeEfM MLDrA LDEM MtoF2 F2toM MLDrA Trunk


Stage 2 2F1M MLDrA LDEM LNVM DTLDM Posterior Anterior

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Massage

Lymphatic Node Vessels Massage Deep Tissue Lymphatic Detoxification Massage

Section 1 MtoF MLDrA Posterior Trunk 2to1 FtoF LDEM Calves Thighs

Section 2 FtoF MLDrA Thighs LDEM Anterior Abdomen Groins Mons pubis

Section 3 FtoF LNVM MLDrA 2to1 MLDrA LNVM Abdomen Groins Mons pubis

Section 4 2to1 LNVM MLDrA FtoF LDEM 2to1 DTLDM Abdomen Thighs


The female patient had a uterine tumor of about 10cm in size and a few small tumors inside different areas of uterus. The experiment is to study how AMMT ATAC aroma detoxification massage can help in the relief of tumors growth and to discover possible natural cure of tumors when combining HPT (Health Physics Theory) and aroma massage and Lymphatic drainage acupressure techniques.


The initial result: about 2cm reduction (volume reduced 49% from 4,189cm3 to 2,144cm3) in tumors size within 22 days in Oct 2015. It is believed the aroma meditation massage dramatically cause tumors to get rid off water retention and slows down tumors growth. The other possible reason is from Lymphatic nodes acupressure which helps macrophages to become healthier and to take out toxins more efficiently without attacking the patient’s organs and tissues. Same or similar procedures are also used to provide relief from auto immune disorders such as SLE, RA , Rosacea, MS, AIVD and eczema.

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SKU: 55520000 Category: Tags: , , , , , ,


New version Mar 2024.

2024년 3월 새 버전.

2024 年 3 月の新バージョン。

新版本 2024 年 3 月。


PSEA massage can increase the whole body energy of both partners before genital penetration.

PSEA 마사지는 생식기 삽입 전에 두 파트너의 전신 에너지를 증가시킬 수 있습니다.

PSEAマッサージは、性器への挿入前に、両方のパートナーの全身エネルギーを増加させることができます。PSEA 按摩可以在生殖器插入之前增加雙方的全身能量。


1:29:42 5552 PSLA Acupressure FA29

GV Massage, CV Massage, Breasts Massage, Buttock Massage, Penis Massage, Vagina Massage, Body Massage, Spinal Massage, Yoga Massage,

독맥 마사지, 임맥 마사지, 유방 마사지, 엉덩이 마사지, 음경 마사지, 질 마사지, 바디 마사지, 척추 마사지, 요가 마사지,


督脈按摩, 任脈按摩, 乳房按摩, 臀部按摩, 陰莖按摩, 陰道按摩, 身體按摩, 脊椎按摩, 瑜伽按摩,


1:29:42 5552 PSLA Acupressure FA29 has 2 episodes:

0:41:43 5552 ST1 PSLA Acupressure FA29

0:53:19 5552 ST2 PSLA Acupressure FA29


An anti microbial detoxification massage & meditation experiment for partners.



Research period: Jan 2001 – Dec 2025 (25 years)

PEM Partners Energizing Meditation; PMM is a part of PEM

PEM 伴侶強身身心療癒; PMM伴侶相互身心療癒是PEM的其中一項


PMM includes BMM, Body Mutual Meditation and GMM, Genital Mutual Meditation. GMM for female includes GEM,  Genital External Meditation, and GIM, Genital External Meditation.

PMM伴侶相互身心療癒, 包括BMM身體相互身心療癒, GMM性器官相互身心療癒, 女性性器官相互身心療癒, 以及 GIM女性性器官相互身心療癒。


GEM or GEMA Genital External Meditation, a physical and mental gentle treatment (including rubbing, hand acupressure, scraping, scratching, thrusting, pinching and discrete meditating … etc) on external genitalia, mons pubis, perineum, anus and breasts.

GEM/GEMA性器官外部身心療癒, 以指壓、按摩、刮痧、抓、抽插、捏、無接觸氣療等方式, 調理身體敏感部位的性器官外部、陰阜、會陰、肛門、乳房, 對身體心理同時進行療癒。


Purposes of GEM: For anti microbes; anti anxiety; anti inflammation; detoxification; deodorizing; energizing; preventing female frigidity and male erectile dysfunction; skin protecting, firming, healing, whitening.; rejuvenating genitalia; regenerating sexual functions




Anti Tumors Anti Cysts

Partner Sensual Lymphatic Acupressure


Aroma Meditation Energizing Massage Manual Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure

Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Massage Lymphatic Node Vessels Massage

Deep Tissue Lymphatic Detoxification Massage Body Mutual Energizing Meditation


Stage 2 2F1M MLDrA LDEM LNVM DTLDM Posterior Anterior


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Aroma Meditation Energizing Massage Manual Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure

Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Massage Lymphatic Node Vessels Massage

Deep Tissue Lymphatic Detoxification Massage Body Mutual Energizing Meditation

Section 1 MtoF1 G1 Jasmine Oil AMeEfM MLDrA LDEM LNVM DTLDM Trunk Hip

Section 2toF1 G3 LDMC Cream LDEM MLDrA AMeEfM LNVM Trunk Buttock Arms Legs

Section 3 F2toM G1 Jasmine Oil BMEMe AMeEfM MLDrA LDEM MtoF2 F2toM MLDrA Trunk


Stage 2 2F1M MLDrA LDEM LNVM DTLDM Posterior Anterior

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Massage

Lymphatic Node Vessels Massage Deep Tissue Lymphatic Detoxification Massage

Section 1 MtoF MLDrA Posterior Trunk 2to1 FtoF LDEM Calves Thighs

Section 2 FtoF MLDrA Thighs LDEM Anterior Abdomen Groins Mons pubis

Section 3 FtoF LNVM MLDrA 2to1 MLDrA LNVM Abdomen Groins Mons pubis

Section 4 2to1 LNVM MLDrA FtoF LDEM 2to1 DTLDM Abdomen Thighs


The female patient had a uterine tumor of about 10cm in size and a few small tumors inside different areas of uterus. The experiment is to study how AMMT ATAC aroma detoxification massage can help in the relief of tumors growth and to discover possible natural cure of tumors when combining HPT (Health Physics Theory) and aroma massage and Lymphatic drainage acupressure techniques.


The initial result: about 2cm reduction (volume reduced 49% from 4,189cm3 to 2,144cm3) in tumors size within 22 days in Oct 2015. It is believed the aroma meditation massage dramatically cause tumors to get rid off water retention and slows down tumors growth. The other possible reason is from Lymphatic nodes acupressure which helps macrophages to become healthier and to take out toxins more efficiently without attacking the patient’s organs and tissues. Same or similar procedures are also used to provide relief from auto immune disorders such as SLE, RA , Rosacea, MS, AIVD and eczema.

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AMEM stands for “Aroma Meditation Energizing Massage”.

AMEM means when therapists use natural massage products containing natural essential oils and use body parts and mind to gently massage a partner’s body. During an AMEM massage, partners focus on the body part being massaged.

AMEM은 ” Aroma Meditation Energizing Massage “, 아로마 명상 에너자이징 마사지의 약자입니다. AMEM은 테라피스트가 천연 에센셜 오일이 함유된 천연 마사지 제품을 사용하고 신체 부위와 마음을 사용하여 파트너의 몸을 부드럽게 마사지하는 것입니다. AMEM 마사지를 하는 동안 파트너는 마사지를 받는 신체 부위에 집중합니다.

AMEMは「Aroma Meditation Energizing Massage」、アロマ瞑想エナザイジングマッサージの略です。 AMEMは、セラピストが天然エッセンシャルオイルを含む天然マッサージ製品を使用し、体の部分と心を使用してパートナーの体を優しくマッサージすることです。 AMEMマッサージ中、パートナーはマッサージを受ける身体の部分に集中します。

AMEM 代表“Aroma Meditation Energizing Massage”,一種芳香冥想能量按摩。

AMEM 是指治療師使用含有天然精油的天然按摩產品,並使用身體部位和心靈輕撫按摩伴侶的身體。 在 AMEM 按摩期間,伴侶們都專注於被按摩的身體部位。


MLDrA Massage is an abbreviation of “Manual Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure” Massage.

MLDrA means therapist uses hands, arms, elbows, legs, knees, feet, other body parts, scrapers and other tools to do Lymphatic system Massage. Types of MLDrA include: manual lymphatic nodes massage, manual lymphatic vessels massage, manual Lymphatic liquids drainage massage, mind healing lymphatic meditation massage, lymphatic drainage scraping with scrapers, lymphatic drainage scratching with finger tips … etc.

MLDrA 마사지는 ” Manual Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure수동 림프 배수 지압” 마사지를 의미합니다.

MLDrA는 치료사가 손, 팔, 팔꿈치, 다리, 무릎, 발, 기타 신체 부위, 스크레이퍼 및 기타 도구를 사용하여 림프계 마사지를 수행함을 의미합니다. MLDrA의 유형에는 수동 림프절 마사지, 수동 림프관 마사지, 수동 림프액 배수 마사지, 마음 치유 림프 명상 마사지, 스크레이퍼로 림프 배수 긁기, 손가락 끝으로 림프 배수 긁기 등이 포함됩니다.

MLDrAマッサージは「Manual Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure動リンパ排水指圧」マッサージを意味します。

MLDrAは、セラピストが手、腕、肘、脚、膝、足、その他の身体部位、スクレーパーなどのツールを使用してリンパ系マッサージを行うことを意味します。 MLDrAのタイプには、手動リンパ節マッサージ、手動リンパ管マッサージ、手動リンパ液ドレナージマッサージ、心治癒リンパ瞑想マッサージ、スクレーパーによるリンパ排水掻き傷、指先でリンパ排水掻き傷などが含まれる。

MLDrA 按摩的意思是“Manual Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure手動淋巴引流指壓”按摩。

MLDrA 是指治療師使用手、手臂、肘部、腿、膝蓋、腳、其他身體部位、刮刀和其他工具進行淋巴系統按摩。 MLDrA的類型包括:手動淋巴結按摩,手動淋巴管按摩,手動淋巴液引流按摩,心靈治愈淋巴冥想按摩,刮刀淋巴引流刮痧,指尖淋巴引流抓痧 … 等等。


LDEM is an abbreviation of “Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Massage”.

LDEM means therapist perform “Hanyi” (oriental medicine) meridian acupressure on 14 main channels, sub channels and acupoints to energize body tissues and viscera. From numerous human experiments, the LDEM massage may greatly benefit detoxification of lymphatic system of the whole body.

LDEM massage emphasizes “Hanyi” (oriental medicine) meridian acupressure on the feet, calves, back torso and buttocks.

LDEM은 ” Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Massage림프 해독 에너자이징 마사지”의 약자입니다.

LDEM은 치료사가 14개의 주요 채널, 하위 채널 및 경혈에 “漢醫 한이”(한의학oriental medicine) 경락 지압을 수행하여 신체 조직과 내장에 활력을 주는 것을 의미합니다. 수많은 인체 실험에서 LDEM 마사지는 전신의 림프계 해독에 큰 도움이 될 수 있습니다.

LDEM 마사지는 발, 종아리, 등 몸통 및 엉덩이에 대한 한방 (한의학oriental medicine) 한방경락 지압을 강조합니다.

LDEMは「Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Massageリンパ解毒エネルギーマッサージ」の略です。

LDEMは、セラピストが14の主要チャンネル、サブチャンネル、および経血「漢醫」漢方(東洋医学oriental medicine)経絡指圧を行い、体組織や腸に活力を与えることを意味します。 多くの人体実験では、LDEMマッサージは全身のリンパ系の解毒に大きな助けとなる可能性があります。


LDEM代表“Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Massage淋巴排毒活力按摩”。

LDEM是指治療師對14正經、絡脈和穴位進行“漢醫”(東方醫學)經絡穴位按摩,以強化身體組織和內臟功能。 經由大量人體實驗發現,LDEM按摩可能對全身淋巴系統的排毒功能有極大助益。

LDEM按摩強調足部、小腿、背部軀幹和臀部的漢醫 (東方醫學oriental medicine) 經絡穴位按摩。


LNVM is an abbreviation of “Lymphatic Nodes Vessels Massage”.

LNVM은 “Lymphatic Nodes Vessels Massage림프절 림프관 마사지”의 약어입니다.

LNVMは「Lymphatic Nodes Vessels Massageリンパ節リンパ管マッサージ」の略です。

LNVM 是“Lymphatic Nodes Vessels Massage淋巴結淋巴管按摩”的縮寫。


DTDM is an abbreviation of “Deep Tissue Detoxification Massage”.

DTDM은 “Deep Tissue Detoxification Massage딥티슈 디톡스 마사지”의 약자입니다.

DTDMとは「Deep Tissue Detoxification Massage深部組織 解毒マッサージ」の略です。

DTDM是“Deep Tissue Detoxification Massage深層組織排毒按摩”的縮寫。


BMEM is an abbreviation of “Body Mutual Energizing Meditation”.

BMEM means partners use body part to contact each others body parts. The role of BMEM is to use mutual meditation to provide energy for everyone’s body.

In BMEM, partners will adopt many different positions, such as standing, sitting, lying, kneeling, etc. Yoga poses and stretching poses are frequently used in BMEM. In BMEM, partner also can be in discrete positions where partners are side-be-side without body contacts.

BMEM은 ” Body Mutual Energizing Meditation몸의 서로에게 에너지를 주는 명상”.

BMEM은 파트너가 신체 부위를 사용하여 서로 신체 부위를 접촉하는 것을 의미합니다. BMEM의 역할은 상호명상을 통해 모든 사람의 몸에 에너지를 공급하는 것입니다.

BMEM에서 파트너는 서기, 앉기, 눕기, 무릎 꿇기 등과 같은 다양한 자세를 취합니다. 요가 자세와 스트레칭 자세는BMEM에서 자주 사용됩니다. BMEM에서 파트너는 신체 접촉 없이 나란히 있는 별개의 위치에 있을 수도 있습니다.

BMEMは「Body Mutual Energizing Meditation身体の相互にエネルギーを与える瞑想」の略です。


BEMMでは、パートナーは立ったり、座ったり、横臥したり、ひざまずいたりするなど、さまざまな姿勢を取ります。BEMMでは、ヨガのポーズやストレッチのポーズがよく使用されます。 BEMMでは、パートナーは、身体との接触なしにパートナーが並んでいる個別の位置にいることもできます。

BMEM代表“Body Mutual Energizing Meditation身體相互活力冥想”。

BMEM意味著伴侶使用身體部位來接觸彼此的身體部位。BMEM的作用是,利用相互冥想,提供大家身體的能量. 在BMEM 中,伴侶們會採用多種不同的體位,例如站姿、坐姿、躺姿、跪姿 …… 等等。瑜伽姿勢和伸展姿勢在BMEM 中經常被使用。在BMEM 中,伴侶也可以處於分離的體位,合作夥伴並排, 身體沒有接觸。

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Massage, 마사지, マッサージ, 按摩,

Yoga Massage,요가 마사지,  ヨガマッサージ, 瑜珈按摩,

Vagina Massage, 질 마사지, 膣マッサージ, 陰道按摩,

Penis Massage, 페니스 마사지, ペニスマッサージ, 陰莖按摩,

Body Massage, 바디 마사지, ボディマッサージ, 身體按摩,

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