0010 LDM Massage

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0:28:26 0010 LDM Massage E528

Yoga Massage, Vagina Massage, Body Massage, Skin Scraping,

요가 마사지, 질 마사지, 바디 마사지, 괄사,

ヨガマッサージ, 膣マッサージ, ボディマッサージ, カッサ,

瑜珈按摩, 陰道按摩, 身體按摩, 刮痧,


Types of Aroma Medicine Massage Therapy in This experiment:

  1. Type 1, AAA Massage, Anti Bacterial, Anti Fungal & Anti Viral Massage (Anti-Microbial Massage)
  2. Type 2, Anti Aging Massage
  3. Type 3, Anti Inflammation Massage & Auto Immune Diseases Relief Massage
  4. Type 6, Aroma Meditation Massage
  5. Type 7, Anti Tumors Massage
  6. Type 12, Energizing Massage
  7. Type 14, Epithelium 1 – Effleurage, Skin Detoxification Massage
  8. Type 15, Epithelium 2 – Connective Tissue Massage, or, Tendons, Fascias, Ligaments Massage
  9. Type 16, Epithelium 3 – Peripheral Nervous System Massage
  10. Type 20, Hanyi Massage (AKA: HMAM, Han Medicine Acupressure Massage, Shiatsu Massage)
  11. Type 21, Lymphatic Detoxification Massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure
  12. Type 23, Emulsification Massage
  13. Type 25, Reproductive System and Aphrodisiacs Massage RAM
  14. Type 26, Stress Relief Massage, Mind Healing Massage
  15. Type 30, Yoga Massage, Stretching Massage
  16. Type 31, Lymphatic Detoxification Scraping Massage


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Aroma Medicine Massage Therapy

Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Anti Microbial

Lymphatic Detoxification Massage

E528 Easy Lying, Thigh Open Upward Stretch,


Anterior Right Torso, Lower Extremity, Urigenital Triangle, Buttock, Genitalia

Aroma Meditation Energizing Massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure,

Genital Meditation Energizing Acupressure, Han Medicine Acupressure Massage,

Lymphatic Detoxification Scraping Massage, Yoga Stretch Detoxification Massage,


Section 1 Easy Lying, Male Standing, AMEM MLDrA GMEA, Anterior Right Leg, Urigenital Triangle,

Section 2 Thigh Open Stretch, Male Sitting, HMAM MLDrA GMEA, Right Thigh, Urigenital Triangle,

Section 3 Easy Lying, AMEM, Emulsifying, LDSpM MLDrA, Downwards Upwards, Right Groin Thigh,

Section 4 Easy Lying, YSDM HMAM MLDrA GMEA, Anterior Right Leg, Groin, Genitalia, Torso,


LDM is an abbreviation of “Lymphatic Detoxification Massage”.

In LDM, therapists massage the Lymphatic nodes, lymphatic vessels, and body parts to improve the health of the lymphatic system. Between and after LDM massages, patients or clients often feel their bladders are full of water.

LDM massage emphasizes LNVM on the trunk and front of the legs, MLDrA on the internal organs, and “Han Yi” (Oriental Medicine) meridian acupoint massage on the feet, calves, back trunk, and buttocks. From more than a thousand human LDM experiments, LDM massage may be beneficial for the detoxification of the lymphatic system throughout the body, helping to eliminate fat and reduce weight.


LDM은 ” Lymphatic Detoxification Massage림프 배수 마사지”의 약자입니다.

LDM에서 치료사는 림프절, 림프관 및 신체 부위를 마사지하여 림프계의 건강을 개선합니다. LDM 마사지 사이와 후에 환자나 고객은 종종 방광에 물이 가득 차 있다고 느낍니다.

LDM 마사지는 몸통과 다리 앞쪽의 LNVM, 내장의 MLDrA, 발, 종아리, 등 몸통, 엉덩이의 “한이” 경락 경혈 마사지를 강조합니다. 1,000개 이상의 인간 LDM 실험에서 LDM 마사지는 몸 전체의 림프계 해독에 도움이 될 수 있으며 지방을 제거하고 체중을 줄이는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.


LDMは「Lymphatic Detoxification Massageリンパドレナージマッサージ」の略です。

LDMでは、セラピストがリンパ節、リンパ管、体の部分をマッサージしてリンパ系の健康を改善します。 LDMマッサージの合間および後に、患者またはクライアントは膀胱が水で満たされていると感じることがよくあります。

LDMマッサージは、体幹と脚の前部にLNVM、内臓にMLDrA、足、子牛、背中の胴体、臀部に「ハンイー」(東洋医学)子午線の尖頭マッサージを強調します。 1000以上の人間のLDM実験から、LDMマッサージは、体全体のリンパ系の解毒に有益であり、脂肪を取り除き、体重を減らすのに役立ちます。


LDM是“Lymphatic Detoxification Massage淋巴排毒按摩”的縮寫。

在 LDM 中,治療師對淋巴結、淋巴管和身體部位進行按摩,以改善淋巴系統的健康。 在 LDM 按摩之間和之後,患者或顧客通常會感到膀胱充滿水。

LDM 按摩強調軀幹和腿部前部的 LNVM,內臟的 MLDrA,以及足部、小腿、背部軀幹和臀部的“漢醫”(東方醫學)經絡穴位按摩。 從一千多個人體 LDM 實驗來看,LDM 按摩可能有利於全身淋巴系統的排毒,有助於排除脂肪和減少體重。

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My partner makes me healthy, happy and horny with “LDM Massage”.

내 파트너는 “LDM 마사지”로 나를 건강하고 행복하게 만들어줍니다.




0:28:26 0010 LDM Massage E528

Yoga Massage, Vagina Massage, Body Massage, Skin Scraping,

요가 마사지, 질 마사지, 바디 마사지, 괄사,

ヨガマッサージ, 膣マッサージ, ボディマッサージ, カッサ,

瑜珈按摩, 陰道按摩, 身體按摩, 刮痧,


Types of Aroma Medicine Massage Therapy in This experiment:

  1. Type 1, AAA Massage, Anti Bacterial, Anti Fungal & Anti Viral Massage (Anti-Microbial Massage)
  2. Type 2, Anti Aging Massage
  3. Type 3, Anti Inflammation Massage & Auto Immune Diseases Relief Massage
  4. Type 6, Aroma Meditation Massage
  5. Type 7, Anti Tumors Massage
  6. Type 12, Energizing Massage
  7. Type 14, Epithelium 1 – Effleurage, Skin Detoxification Massage
  8. Type 15, Epithelium 2 – Connective Tissue Massage, or, Tendons, Fascias, Ligaments Massage
  9. Type 16, Epithelium 3 – Peripheral Nervous System Massage
  10. Type 20, Hanyi Massage (AKA: HMAM, Han Medicine Acupressure Massage, Shiatsu Massage)
  11. Type 21, Lymphatic Detoxification Massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure
  12. Type 23, Emulsification Massage
  13. Type 25, Reproductive System and Aphrodisiacs Massage RAM
  14. Type 26, Stress Relief Massage, Mind Healing Massage
  15. Type 30, Yoga Massage, Stretching Massage
  16. Type 31, Lymphatic Detoxification Scraping Massage


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Aroma Medicine Massage Therapy

Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Anti Microbial

Lymphatic Detoxification Massage

E528 Easy Lying, Thigh Open Upward Stretch,


Anterior Right Torso, Lower Extremity, Urigenital Triangle, Buttock, Genitalia

Aroma Meditation Energizing Massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure,

Genital Meditation Energizing Acupressure, Han Medicine Acupressure Massage,

Lymphatic Detoxification Scraping Massage, Yoga Stretch Detoxification Massage,


Section 1 Easy Lying, Male Standing, AMEM MLDrA GMEA, Anterior Right Leg, Urigenital Triangle,

Section 2 Thigh Open Stretch, Male Sitting, HMAM MLDrA GMEA, Right Thigh, Urigenital Triangle,

Section 3 Easy Lying, AMEM, Emulsifying, LDSpM MLDrA, Downwards Upwards, Right Groin Thigh,

Section 4 Easy Lying, YSDM HMAM MLDrA GMEA, Anterior Right Leg, Groin, Genitalia, Torso,


LDM is an abbreviation of “Lymphatic Detoxification Massage”.

In LDM, therapists massage the Lymphatic nodes, lymphatic vessels, and body parts to improve the health of the lymphatic system. Between and after LDM massages, patients or clients often feel their bladders are full of water.

LDM massage emphasizes LNVM on the trunk and front of the legs, MLDrA on the internal organs, and “Han Yi” (Oriental Medicine) meridian acupoint massage on the feet, calves, back trunk, and buttocks. From more than a thousand human LDM experiments, LDM massage may be beneficial for the detoxification of the lymphatic system throughout the body, helping to eliminate fat and reduce weight.


LDM은 ” Lymphatic Detoxification Massage림프 배수 마사지”의 약자입니다.

LDM에서 치료사는 림프절, 림프관 및 신체 부위를 마사지하여 림프계의 건강을 개선합니다. LDM 마사지 사이와 후에 환자나 고객은 종종 방광에 물이 가득 차 있다고 느낍니다.

LDM 마사지는 몸통과 다리 앞쪽의 LNVM, 내장의 MLDrA, 발, 종아리, 등 몸통, 엉덩이의 “한이” 경락 경혈 마사지를 강조합니다. 1,000개 이상의 인간 LDM 실험에서 LDM 마사지는 몸 전체의 림프계 해독에 도움이 될 수 있으며 지방을 제거하고 체중을 줄이는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.


LDMは「Lymphatic Detoxification Massageリンパドレナージマッサージ」の略です。

LDMでは、セラピストがリンパ節、リンパ管、体の部分をマッサージしてリンパ系の健康を改善します。 LDMマッサージの合間および後に、患者またはクライアントは膀胱が水で満たされていると感じることがよくあります。

LDMマッサージは、体幹と脚の前部にLNVM、内臓にMLDrA、足、子牛、背中の胴体、臀部に「ハンイー」(東洋医学)子午線の尖頭マッサージを強調します。 1000以上の人間のLDM実験から、LDMマッサージは、体全体のリンパ系の解毒に有益であり、脂肪を取り除き、体重を減らすのに役立ちます。


LDM是“Lymphatic Detoxification Massage淋巴排毒按摩”的縮寫。

在 LDM 中,治療師對淋巴結、淋巴管和身體部位進行按摩,以改善淋巴系統的健康。 在 LDM 按摩之間和之後,患者或顧客通常會感到膀胱充滿水。

LDM 按摩強調軀幹和腿部前部的 LNVM,內臟的 MLDrA,以及足部、小腿、背部軀幹和臀部的“漢醫”(東方醫學)經絡穴位按摩。 從一千多個人體 LDM 實驗來看,LDM 按摩可能有利於全身淋巴系統的排毒,有助於排除脂肪和減少體重。


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Section 1 Easy Lying, Male Standing, AMEM MLDrA GMEA, Anterior Right Leg, Urigenital Triangle,

RR162 P52 AI Rose Oil Nourishing Relaxing Energizing Aphrodisiac Anti Aging Firming Whitening

P52 Anti Inflammatory Rose Oil Aroma Meditation Energizing Massage, Anterior Right Groin, Leg, Foot,

2 Hands Manual Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure, Pushing Downwards, Anterior Right Thigh, Groin, Knee,

Fists Force Manual Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure, Pushing Downwards, Anterior Right Thigh, Groin,

Genital Meditation Energizing Acupressure, Anterior Right Groin, Urigenital Triangle, Labia, Perineum,


Section 2 Thigh Open Stretch, Male Sitting, HMAM MLDrA GMEA, Right Thigh, Urigenital Triangle,

Right Thigh Open Stretch, Han Medicine Acupressure Massage, Anterior Right Thigh, GB ST, SP LV, KD,

8 Fingers Force Genital Meditation Energizing Acupressure, Right Groin Labia majora, labia minora, Perineum,

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure, Vertical Transverse Rubbing, Right Thigh, GB ST, SP LV, KD,

Male Sitting, Female Right Leg on Penis Right Groin, Han Medicine Acupressure Massage, Right Thigh, Groin,

Easy Lying Fists Palms Force Manual Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure, Upwards, Right Thigh, Groin, Hip,


Section 3 Easy Lying, AMEM, Emulsifying, LDSpM MLDrA, Downwards Upwards, Right Groin Thigh,

RR038 G1 AI LDHS Serum Nourishing Stress Relieving Healing Protecting Emulsifying Whitening

G1 AI LDHS Serum on Rose Oil Aroma Meditation Energizing Massage, Anterior Right Groin, Thigh, Labia,

Thigh Open Stretch, Spoon Scraper Emulsifying Lymphatic Detoxification Scraping Massage, Right Thigh,

Easy Lying, Spoon Scraper Emulsifying Lymphatic Detoxification Scraping Massage, Downwards, Right Thigh,

RR162 P52 AI Rose Oil Nourishing Relaxing Energizing Aphrodisiac Anti Aging Firming Whitening

P52 Anti Inflammatory Rose Oil on Serum Aroma Meditation Energizing Massage, Anterior Right Groin, Thigh,

Easy Lying, Spoon Scraper Emulsifying Lymphatic Detoxification Scraping Massage, Upwards, Right Thigh,

Thigh Open Stretch, Lymphatic Detoxification Scraping Massage, Upwards, Downwards, Right Groin, Thigh,


Section 4 Easy Lying, YSDM HMAM MLDrA GMEA, Anterior Right Leg, Groin, Genitalia, Torso,

Easy Lying, Han Medicine Acupressure Massage, Pinching Pressing Kneading, , Anterior Right Thigh, Groin,

Thigh Upward Stretch, Yoga Stretch Detoxification Massage, Posterior, Inner, Right Thigh, Buttock, Vagina,

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure, Downwards, Anterior Right Thigh, Inguinal Nodes, Popliteal Nodes,

Fingers Force Han Medicine Acupressure Massage, Anterior Right Inner Calf, KD LV SP, San-Yin-Jiao, Di-Ji,

Fingers Force Han Medicine Acupressure Massage, Anterior Right Outer Calf, ST GB, Yang-Jiao, Zu-San-Li,

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure, Pushing Pulling Upwards, Right Calf, Thigh, Labia, Clitoris, Torso,

Genital Meditation Energizing Acupressure, Upwards, Anterior, Groin, Perineum, Labia, Clitoris, Mons pubis,


Massage, 마사지, マッサージ, 按摩,

Yoga Massage,요가 마사지, ヨガマッサージ, 瑜珈按摩,

Body Massage, 바디 마사지, ボディマッサージ, 身體按摩,

Vagina Massage, 질 마사지, 膣マッサージ, 陰道按摩,







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